2 min read

Through the stack / 01-06 (Week 9)

This is "Through the Stack", a weekly list of links relating to topics relevant to Lead developers (actual or aspiring) working with an internet related product.
Many lead developers, tech lead and staff engineers have their hands in many projects and influence many layers in their organisations. This publication is aimed at sharing thoughts and content that are relevant to such profiles.
If you have comments or content to suggest please reach out to us by email through-the-stack@imfiny.com .

This week ...

... has been busy really. I barely got time to browse through my usual feeds but some fun stuff happened and I can share on that.With the push from many to get Ruby, RubyOnRails and other great Ruby projects back on the front scene we have seen a few interesting posts and activity lately. Of course RubyOnRails 7 being out recently with some nice features there is a lot happening in that scene.

"Matz" himself landed in my feed with a reference to https://reviewbunny.app/blog/dont-make-me-think-or-why-i-switched-to-rails-from-javascript-spas which is an interesting article on moving from a JS single page application to a RubyOnRails application.

I stumbled (again) upon Wisper a library to do sync or async pub/sub in Ruby stacks. I saw an article about Ruby, fiber and connection pools. I need to take a seat and have a good read and try but that sounds quite interesting.

Finally, last for this week in the Ruby world is a way to migrate jobs from one Sidekiq queue to another. I recently had to do something like that to save the day and offload work from one worker to another. It worked great after a little trial to figure out the specifics for the case I was working with.

More on the Staff Engineer and Manager side of things I encountered a few great posts this week. One was from J. Petazzoni (former Docker Inc., tinkerer extraordinaire) in the form of a twitter thread on how to write down incident notes. Some great nuggets there.

The Leaddev continues to be one major source of content this week with an article from C. Fournier  on handling extra work requests for your already busy team. I also found an article on Empathy and how it's an important factor in your communication. Finally, in the same topic of communication, which we rarely talk about properly, a great article on how to communicate to one or more people.

Finally an old post landed in front of me on how Spotify is handling migration, always a good food for thoughts.

Unfortunately I could not listen to much podcasts this week, so .. my reading list is getting longer. Still, I hope these articles have picked your interest. Don't hesitate to suggest content or ask questions for the next publication, next week.

Imfiny ?

This content is written and published by Imfiny, a consulting company based in France. We do Ruby software engineering and devops in the Cloud (AWS, GCP and others) as well as training and supporting teams in their journeys to grow code, infrastructure and practices (production engineering, incident management, retrospectives, ...). We are available for 3 to 18 months contracts starting mid april.